Bonaventure Cemetery, Savannah, Georgia

Bonaventure Cemetery is a haunted cemetery that is said to be home to several ghostly inhabitants including Gracie, the weeping monument, and was formerly the home of the “Bird Girl” – from the movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.  The “Bird Girl” has now been moved to a museum because people wouldn’t leave it alone.   This land was once a beautifully landscaped, lavish plantation.  One evening during a dinner party, the plantation burned to the ground.  Since then, visitors have reported the lingering sound of spirit laughter and the clinking sound of dinnerware.  It is reported that a statue of a small girl named Gracie Watkins cries at night in the cemetery.  Legend says that people leave gifts in the statue’s hands, and when those gifts are removed, the statue’s tears turn to blood.  There is also said to be a pack of ghost dogs that runs snarling and barking after cemetery visitors.

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